FAQs About Dental Implants

FAQs About Dental Implants

Considering getting dental implants in Florissant, MO, but wondering if this is the best approach for treating your tooth loss. Our dentist offers a variety of tooth replacement options to meet your needs. Here are the most commonly asked questions regarding dental implants.

What is a dental implant?

There are three different parts to a dental implant: the metal screw that is placed into the jawbone, the abutment that connects the implant with the false tooth and then the crown (if you are replacing a single missing tooth).

What is the success rate of a dental implant?

The success rate of dental implants is extremely high (as high as 98 percent, according to WebMD). In order to ensure the longevity of your dental implants it is important that you keep your implant clean by brushing and flossing daily and getting routine checkups from our Florissant, MO, restorative dentist every six months.

What are the benefits of a dental implant?

Some of the benefits of getting dental implants include:

  • A long-term false tooth that stays in place and functions like a real tooth
  • Preventing bone loss
  • Supporting the facial muscles to prevent premature aging associated with untreated tooth loss
  • A lifelong restoration
  • Preserving natural teeth around the tooth
  • No need for adhesives or worrying about slippage
  • Fully restored chewing and speaking

How are dental implants placed?

In order to place implants you will have to undergo minor surgery. Implant placement can be performed under local anesthesia. The gums are opened to reveal the jawbone, where we make a small hole in the bone and to place the implant. Implant placement can take 30 to 60 minutes depending on how many implants are being placed and the location of their placement.

Can implants support dentures?

Absolutely! What makes dental implants such a great option for so many adults dealing with tooth loss is that no matter whether they are missing one, several or all of their teeth they can still benefit from getting dental implants.

For patients who need to replace a full arch of missing teeth (14 teeth), dentures can be supported by implants. In fact, implants can prevent your current dentures from moving or shifting out of place when eating or speaking.

Do you have any further questions about dental implants? Want to find out if you are an ideal candidate for implants? If so, call Boain Dental Care in Florissant, MO, to schedule a consultation.

How Sealants Can Protect Your Child’s Teeth

How Sealants Can Protect Your Child’s Teeth

Sealants from your dentists in Florissant, MO, can keep your child’s smile healthy

Children eat and drink all kinds of sugary things like candy and sodas. A diet high in sugar makes your child much more Girls Smilingprone to tooth decay. You can teach your child to brush and floss regularly, but is it enough? Maybe not.

The good news is there is a dental treatment that can shield your child’s teeth from the sugary acid that can eat away tooth structure. The answer is dental sealants! The dentists at Boain Dental Care in Florissant, MO, offer a full range of adult and pediatric dental services, including dental sealants to keep your child’s smile healthy.

Brushing and flossing do a great job of removing plaque, but the deep grooves and crevices in your child’s teeth often can’t be reached with brushing and flossing. Sealants cover the deep grooves and crevices, making your child’s teeth resistant to decay.

Sealant treatment is a popular treatment because it is:

  • Painless, requiring no anesthetic or removal of tooth structure
  • Cost-effective, costing far less than conventional fillings and other restorative treatments
  • Quick and easy, because treatment takes only a few minutes, and multiple teeth are done in the same appointment

Sealant treatment begins with the application of an etching material to the deep grooves and crevices. This material helps the sealant adhere to the tooth surface. The sealant material is applied as a liquid resin, which is spread into the grooves and crevices. The sealant material is then hardened with an ultraviolet light. The result is a hard, invisible coating on the deep grooves and crevices.

Sealants should be applied to the first permanent molars between the ages of 5 and 7, and the second permanent molars between the ages of 11 and 14. The early placement of sealants can help ensure a healthy, decay-free smile for your child. To find out more about sealants and what they can do for your child’s smile, call the dentists at Boain Dental Care in Florissant, MO, today!

How Implants Replace Missing Teeth

How Implants Replace Missing Teeth

No matter whether you are missing one or several teeth, you know all too well how much tooth loss can affect both your appearance and oral health. For instance, you may immediately notice how challenging it is to speak, chew, or even smile with absent teeth. Luckily, our Florissant, MO, dentists Drs. John, Joseph, and Jenn Boain offer a long-term tooth replacement that looks and feels just like a real tooth!

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant can be used to anchor a single-tooth-replacing crown, a bridge for multiple teeth, or even a full set of dentures to replace a full row.

An implant is a small post made from durable titanium, a material that is biocompatible with the tissue and bone within the body, and thus able to fully bond to the jawbone for incredible stability and reliability.

Why should I consider dental implants?

There are many unique benefits that dental implants from our Florissant, MO, office can offer, including:

  • They are as close as you can come to a real tooth
  • They actually function the same way as real teeth, allowing you to enjoy all of your favorite foods without worrying about your bite
  • An implant is the only tooth replacement that provides the jawbone with the stimulation it needs to prevent bone loss (a complication of untreated tooth loss)
  • An implant fuses together with the jawbone making it a permanent restoration—with the proper care implants can last several decades
  • Dental implants stay firmly in place without moving or shifting around
  • Since this restoration fills the gap in your smile, it also prevents the rest of your teeth from shifting into the open gap and causing crookedness, crowding, or gaps in your smile

Give us a call!

Are you dealing with tooth loss in Florissant, MO? If so, the dental team at Boain Dental Care is ready to help you get a full smile back. If you are ready to find out if implants are right for you, dial (314) 921-3527 today for a consultation!

Signs That You May Need A Root Canal

Signs That You May Need A Root Canal

Root canals save at-risk teeth, but it’s not always easy to tell if the treatment is necessary. Read below to learn if you could benefit from the procedure, and call the Florissant, MO, dental office of Drs. John, Joseph, and Jenn Boain of Boain Dental Care if you believe that you could.

How to tell if you may need a root canal?

Root canals are performed if you have an infection or inflammation in your tooth pulp (a soft mass of tissue, nerves, and blood vessels at the center of the tooth). If you don’t receive treatment for the infection or inflammation, you will eventually lose the tooth.

During root canal treatment, your dentist removes the pulp, cleans and shapes the root canals, and adds a flexible rubber filling to the tooth. Luckily, your tooth will continue to function normally even if the pulp is removed during a root canal.

Severe pain is a sign of a serious problem in your tooth and the most noticeable symptom of inflammation or infection. Other more subtle symptoms include:

  • Pain When You Chew: Initially, you may only notice pain when you chew or press on the tooth. After a while, the pain may occur more often or become constant. Although pain can be severe, milder pain may also be a sign that you need a root canal.
  • Swelling: The gum around a problem tooth may become red, irritated, and swollen.
  • Discoloration: An issue with the pulp may cause a change in the color of a tooth. It’s always a good idea to pay a visit to your Florissant dentist if you notice that one tooth has become darker than the others.
  • Sensitivity: Anything you eat may cause your pain to flare up. Sensitivity to both hot and cold foods and beverages is a classic sign that you need a root canal.
  • Injury: Root canals may also be needed if you injure a tooth or a knocked out tooth was re-implanted.
  • Abscess Symptoms: An infection in your pulp can trigger a variety of symptoms, including pain, fever, facial swelling, swollen lymph nodes, pimples, or pus on the gum next to the painful tooth.

Do you have any of these signs and symptoms? Call your Florissant, MO, dentists at (314) 921-3527 to schedule an appointment.

FAQs About Root Canals

FAQs About Root Canals

There is nothing to fear about root canals. Find out more about this commonly performed dental procedure.

Hearing your dentist tell you that you need a root canal may fill you with anxiety, but there is truly nothing to fear. Arm yourself with all the information you need to understand your upcoming procedure so that you can get through it easily and stress-free.

Q. What is a root canal?

A. This endodontic procedure is necessary when the inside of the tooth, known as the dental pulp, is either infected or damaged. The dental pulp can be affected by severe decay, infection or trauma. Once the damage reaches the pulp, your endodontist will recommend having a root canal.

Q. Do I need a root canal?

A. It can be difficult to know when you might need to come in for a root canal, which is why going in for your six-month checkup can protect your smile and detect issues when they are still easy to fix. Common symptoms that might warrant a root canal include,

  • Extreme sensitivity to hot or cold
  • Persistent or severe pain, particularly when chewing
  • Tooth pain that keeps you up at night
  • An abscess that develops around the affected tooth

Q. What should I expect from my upcoming procedure?

A. Root canals are a common practice. While many people worry that it might be rather time-consuming and invasive, it is no more complicated than getting a cavity filled.

The purpose of the procedure is to remove the affected dental pulp. Your general dentist will drill through the hard outer layers of enamel until we reach the internal part of the tooth. From there, your dentist will carefully remove the diseased tissue and disinfect the inside of the tooth if an infection is present. Once treated, we will use special materials to rebuild the tooth from the inside out. Most teeth treated with a root canal will also need a dental crown to protect the weakened tooth from further damage.

Q. Is the procedure painful?

A. Most people worry that a root canal will be painful. Everyone’s heard stories! But keep in mind that many people needing a root canal are dealing with pretty unpleasant and chronic dental pain. The purpose of the procedure isn’t to instill more pain, but to actually eliminate the source of the pain. Plus, a root canal is performed under local anesthesia, so you shouldn’t feel a thing.

Contact your Dentist

Still have questions about root canal therapy? Need to schedule your next dental appointment? Then it’s time to call Boain Dental Care today. We would be happy to answer all of your dental questions.

Welcome To Our Blog

Welcome To Our Blog

Welcome to the Blog of Boain Dental Care

Whether you are an existing patient or searching for a dentist in the Florissant, MO area, we’re excited you are here. With the dental industry advancing, we recognize the importance of keeping our patients and visitors up to date with all of the new and exciting things taking place in our practice.

As we move forward with our blog, we hope to promote dental awareness as a vital part of your healthy lifestyle. Here you will find a variety of articles and topics including dental news, advancements in dental technology and treatments, practical oral health advice and updates from our practice.

We hope you find our blog to be helpful, engaging and informational to ensure your best dental health.

As always, feel free to contact our office with any dental questions or concerns.

— Boain Dental Care